Iteration 1 was my attempt to quickly reach the end of chapter 1 back in 2004. These are the pages created back then. 01-17 and 01-18 were used practically as-is. Parts after that went through some significant changes.

When talking of the Galactic Destroyer, using it requires so much CG-work later on, one might make a joke about blue screens and special effect budget, to continue the metaphor of a live action TV show for the webcomic. But I won't, right now, because I can't think of anything. So there. Urrr....

Never-the-less, I like the extreme perspective view of QS, and the GD getting blown away --- I was probably watching Fullmetal Alchemist at the time. Also, the GD in the second frame is nice.

The last frame has a distinct foreground-background thing going on, though, which is nice.

I liked the "Free For All!" thing so much I had to put it into the actual page, too -- even if it's practically invisible.
So... What do you think? Is the official version the better one, or did you find this version of our exposition explosion to be the more entertaining one?
1 comment:
I'm half and half. the official one is better done but this one has more characters (sort of) introduced and is crazier overall.
As for entertainment, having them both out here in the wild is nice because its like a half-update that's entertaining to read even if it isn't technically new and is interesting as well because of the commentary you provide with it.
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