Ahh... the Unnamed City(tm). With the obscenely powerful plot-device Necromancer, and magic shops with all sorts of wonders.
The guy in the foreground is the demon hunter, wossname, um... Vangeres, according to my notes. ( Sorcerer with bane magic & planar substitution, or something like that. )
Of course, when the players arrive, it's winter instead.
Hmm. Forgot to put some rocklike colors on higher areas of the mountain to the left.
I could swear it's once again a full shade darker than in OpenCanvas. Perhaps it encodes jpegs somewhat funnily? Oh, well.
I've hidden three Arbyfish into this picture, see if you can spot 'em!
Hint: Two are easy, one is INSANE!!!
Is the last one carrying a banjo?
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