...TOTAL randomness!
Not much to say. Um. I like the ^_^
- Animation - Plastic Animation Paper
- D and D - grappling rules are argh. WoW is evil waste of time, unlike DnD. So there.
- Linux - Ubuntu, of course, but I also like DSL, and Zenwalk.
- ReactOS is not mature
- Vista... is not completely horrible. You can change display drivers without rebooting... Which would seem to hint that it runs on a microkernel FWIW.
- Gunnerkrigg Court
- Guardians of Order Fan Forums
of course ReactOS isn't mature, its still in alpha :p
I like the drawing a bit below top right, it has the potential to be really cool.
and yeah, gunnercrig court is really good.
yeah, yeah... I know. I was just trying to avoid the need to reinstall Win98 on my brothers' P3 600...
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