Wow. Crash, reboot. Feeling better. Onwards!
In any case, this is an old something from last... April, I think. Meaning, I was working at the time. I drew this while watching Rushuna do her thing on Grenadier, so that's my excuse. Mind you, this would be a goo target for a bit - or eight, or twenty-four - of color.
Colour, whatever. You're mostly USAians, anyway, right. I think 'Colour' looks nicer, though, don'tchathink?
Anyway, i'll post something more soon, too. I mean, there's no rule that I cannot post within 24 hours of posting something else, right? Right. I mean, it was longer than 24 hours between those two posts and such.
Still, I am kinda annoyed with myself... And kinda impressed with my body's proactivity. I'm getting some weird dream-channels, though....
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