Warming up... Sometimes I don't know myself what is coming out of my pencils. All I can offer for this, is that I was listening to "It's the end of the world as we know it (and I feel fine)"...

The title comes from my recent lack of concentration. My head's been terribly fuzzy, I haven't been able to focus on the things I should.
I've been pondering the digital/pencil side of things, and I've concluded, that while I draw better with pencils, technically, the fact that the actual tip of a pencil has a varied shape, as well as the fact that I can keep on re-drawing digitally combined with the zoom function, is what gives the edge to digital work. This is an issue of, well, of eyesight as well as the fact I'm a relatively sloppy drawer. Not like my brother, who's first line is always the final one, too. Although, he still doesn't get line weights, really.
Therefore, your skills with pencils are superior and crisper, but the tools suffer from weaknesses that are overcome in the digital medium.
Are your digital drawings faster as well?
Way slower -- but I do get gains in the finishing stages, as pencil stuff needs a lot more cleanup.
So rough conceptual randomness is much better to sketch out in pencil; when you're not worried about cleanup.
On the other hand, when you want something pretty and shiny, and you know how something should look (I.E. Terra, Trista, Stylin, etc.), digital's more forgiving when it comes to artisan touch-up work.
Anyway, the pencil sketch here is fascinating. Not quite an Ameixia--more like a Laios afflicted by an accidental trip to Jusenkyou springs. Therefore, I'd say it's a new unnamed character (probably just a random sketch). Only thing that's got me confused is the odd skirting; looks like she was in a rush and put on a set of armor over a dress she was wearing. But it's got crisp pencil lines and is overall drawn well where the image focuses.
The digital image? Girl in a sheer dress with a butterfly. It's generally pretty and in color. You do have a talent for digital art.
Hey, I get to finally comment here. Woot!
I like both drawings here, the first one being an excellent piece of sketchy art. Very detailed with shading already, even if the leg is still incomplete. I actually like the "armor-over-skirt" effect thingie.
The second one is... woah... cool.
Kinda mysterious looking, in a way. And it's in color, too. Plus it has an added 'benefit' of a risque apparrel. The legs aren't defined by lines, though. Kinda confusing to see where one leg shade starts and the other ends, it's all cool though. The hair and face reminds me of a couple of characters from Koi Koi Seven, too.
Welcome. Good to have you.
...Koi Koi Seven?
Er... a short (13 eps) anime. A bit of ecchi-ness, but somewhat... plotless. I don't really recommend it.
Hey, nothing wrong with plotless harem anime... Although I do prefer the ones with plot.
What in the name of all that is squamous and soul-devouring was that?!
Um. Wow. It's almost like they made everything up at the same time as they drew the story.
Er... were you refering to the anime that I did NOT recommend?
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