I was trying to highlight the difference between "warm-up" and "actual", but it may actually be the difference between having an image in my brain, or not.
So, it's Azalea, my pet Exalted character. You've seen her before. Ideas do develop, and mature, and so forth. I haven't actually really played much second edition, but I still like it. The ruleset is intriguing and stylish - I actually think that by taking certain elements away, it would be about right for a Dragonball-ish game.
Ahh, DBZ -- there's a series with such wasted potential. Kind of like Naruto Shippuuden. I'd bet it could be one of the best series, if you'd just cut about 12 minutes from every episode. Oh, and tell the actors to speak just a bit faster. T_T
now the question is do I pick it apart and say what could be better about it or do I not be a dick and just congratulate you on a good drawing.....
nah, you probably know its faults.
Very nicely done. The facial composition is excellent and the pose and proportions are first rate as well.
One thing I have to say though. Her hair and her dress appear to be blowing in different directions :p
Must be a whirlwind, then. :P
So they do.
Hmmm... looks much better than the last Azalea you made, IMO.
And since the wind blown hair has been mentioned, it kinda looks... unnatural... at that straight-ish pose. Industrial strength hairgel? j/k...
I tried to imagine the character without the pigtail(?)/ponytail(?). And she's still looks good...
Should've used a curve/wave. But, I didn't really do much or any redrawing, so even the bad initial decisions are there.
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