Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Pixels 'n links and stuff

I've become unsatisfied with Graphicsgale. I mean, it's not a bad program by any means, but outside it's animation capability, I feel that Paint.net or Paint Shop Pro 9 ( the one, the only, the best ) does the job better. Since I now have Ubuntu as a boot option, I've been giving GIMP another look, too... it can be quite good with a bit of customization. And then, of course, there's my own paint app... But that sucks, so nevermind. 

The problems in KZ sprites are too deep to be fixable with tweaking, so I'll need to re-draw. I think I'll go through the hand-drawn -> scanning process this time, it'll give me a better pose, and animation is easier, too...

Speaking of which, Pencil is relatively impressive. I'm not sure which I prefer, Plastic Animation Paper or it. I guess pencil is better, but I like sketching with PAP4 a bit more. Well, maybe.
On the digital painting side, I still think OpenCanvas is probably the best.

I'm also itching to do something with Adventure Game Studio.... when I'm not swamped by studies.
Oh, yeah. I did complete the Chzo Mythos series, too. Although in wrong order. Once again, 5-7-notes-6. I played 6 as the second game, and whoa huge spoilers. T_T

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Anonymous said...

I'm quite interested to see the result of your next sprite work. (As is Chesu, I would imagine:D )

Thinking King's Quest style adventure game, side scroller/shooter or Metroidvania style?

Anonymous said...

Two-shave, my good man! ;)

Chesu said...

Pixels 'n links was popular meal in old country...

Chesu said...

...Also, that was definitely not the best order to play them in. Seven is my favorite, but if I had played six before it, I probably would have lost interest in the series altogether.