That's him, in plane. Nobody told me, you weren't allowed to take pictures in a plane. In any case, Finnair has direct flights to Japan from Helsinki-Vantaa international Airport. Next Stop: Chubu airport.
Which we didn't have tickets for, as we eventually figured out thanks to the friendly Mr. Conductor. Oh well, off to the sardins-in-a-can class cars. It wasn't crowded, really. Afterwards, we were in Nagoya, waiting for a bus, by the Yuri fountain.
Oh, look! Real live japanese schoolkids, on a class trip, even! How curious--- Wait, what's that?

Heh, there was mutual laughing afterwards.
Anyway, we got on a bus, which was kind of small. Buses in Japan are... not so good. Not much worse than here, really, but a bit smaller perhaps?
I also didn't realize it was okay to build roads on top of concrete pillars which go over other concrete pillars which just may go over a shopping street down below...
A funny story: As Heikki's an experienced traveller, we - that is, my mother was being comforted by the fact he was with me, so we'd be safe and get where we're supposed to be, in time.
Surely you can trust that face, 'tis a honest face. Even if he found Zoolander to be a very funny film. I haven't seen it myself, though.
That reminds me, there were instances where we were going "Dude!" "Sweet!" a whole lot, but that's a different movie and a different story. In any case, we were on our way to Tokyo, and he told me we were going to the Shinjuku station or something.... We had arranged a meeting with the person whose place we were crashing in for our stay in Tokyo. ( I'll need to get her permission to use the photos, btw. )
We weren't supposed to drop off at "Tokyo station", right? I mean, there was no proper bus stop or anything, right?
What's this, a map? "Bus stops here," "Tokyo Station"... What? Dude, you had a map! What do you mean you assumed it was for Nagoya? It says "Tokyo station" right there!
Oh , great. Yokohama's a different city, right? Great, so now we're going to Yokohama. Just great.
We had a Learning Experience. Level Ups, don'chaknow?
Well, fortunately in Yokohama, we were helped by a friendly local who'd been an exchange student, and spoke better English than we did. We got some more experience in using local public transportation, and we took a taxi cab from Shibuya, to see if the person waiting for us, still was. She wasn't so now we had to figure out a way to get to her apartment on our own...
But that's for later, okyes?
Aah, real Japanese schoolchildren! They are more technologically advanced than you and come in greater numbers! Quickly, retreat!
And... well, you know, in my mind, I was comparing some aspects of your personality to Isumi from Hayate no Gotoku. (Really likes my random strange storylines, and gets lost a ton--but on the bright side, you get to fight demons with scraps of paper.)
"Esa! What are you doing in Yokohama?"
And yes, that's what real cities look like, and Tokyo's one of those huge, densely-packed mega-cities. Very little vegitation. Very techno-steam-cyber-metal-punk.
Finland's just too pretty for its own good. ^_-
Well, yes
'Spose it's better than being banished to Hokaido...
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